Läs allt om det på the Daily Swarm.
"We were making a record in the 90s, around when the band broke up in 1995…and I continued with Belinda. We kinda made we made most of an album….It’s going to be this ‘96/‘97 record half-finished record finished, and then a compilation of stuff we did before that in 1993–94, and a little bit of new stuff."
"I pretty much know what the one that’s going to come out this year is going to sound like because its already pretty much 3/4’s done already…it sounds like what we sounded like – different but not radically different. People will go, “Yeah, it sounds like My Bloody Valentine.”
Yes! Det här är året då alla gamla engelska band från det gyllene 90-talet återförenas eller gör come back. Till och med Shed 7 är ute på turné. Det snackas en hel del om Blur. Oasis (har iofs aldrig splittrats) spelar in sin nya skiva as we speak. Verve är ju igång. Fathom 5 släpper nytt snart också. Ha!
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