lördag 3 november 2007

Verves första spelning sen 1998

"I'm just back from the Glasgow Carling Academy gig (02/11/07). It was immense.

The new track (Sit and Wonder) was superb! Nick's guitar was top.

Opener was This is Music (which I was late for!) I got in at ten past 9 and missed it,and most of Sonnet.

Last encore track was Come On.

The played Weeping Willow, Life's an Ocean, Let The Damage Begin, The Drugs Don't Work, All In The Mind, A Northern Soul, Velvet Morning, Space and Time, Already There, Bitter Sweet Symphony, The Rolling People. (Not in that order).

Encore was A Man Called Sun, Lucky Man and Come On.

Richard played guitar on Come On. Yeah, his acoustic guitar made several appearances too, but the gig was so varied and out there, any Verve fan would have loved the whole thing. Think Nick had a Fender Jaguar, a Les Paul and a Tele maybe (?). His playing was immense, particularly on Sit and Wonder. Sobbo's drumming was great, Simon's bass grooving as always (though a little low in volume for me). Richard also put on a great show, voice on top form as always."

Hittade rapporten på Spiritualizeds forum (konserten avslutades för ett par timmar sen bara). Jag har aldrig hört eller sett att de spelat Let the Damage Begin live förut. All In the Mind är också rätt ovanlig. Kul!

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